Our Journey so Far...
Some of you may still be wondering, why are Josh and Gretchen going to Cambodia? Well in my first official blog post, I'm going to try and explain this long, but awesome story about how God has brought us to the place we are at now. My freshman year of college I went on a fall trip to Peoria, IL for "The National Missionary Convention (NMC)" (Now called "The International Conference on Missions") with Campus Christian Fellowship (CCF). My friend Kait Hall and I went to a break-out session about sex trafficking that was being put on by Rapha House (if you haven't heard of them, you should definitely check out their website: http://www.raphahouse.org/). Rapha House's mission is "to love, rescue, and heal children who have been rescued from trafficking and sexual exploitation." They have a safe house and a half-way house in Phnom Pehn, Cambodia. And yes, that is the same city where we will be going this summe...