Our Story of Miscarriage

Most people that know anything about me know that I’ve always wanted to be a mom. Since I’ve been young, I knew that I wanted to have a family of my own some day. And hopefully a large one! I can’t tell you how many hours upon hours I’ve been dreaming my entire life about my future family. On November 18th, 2014, that dream had finally come true with one big fat positive on a pregnancy test. Friends, I can’t even tell you how elated I was. I burst into tears thanking God to give me this amazing gift, to be carrying a child in my womb. It was better than I could have imagined. For those first 14 days, Josh and I were so joyful with our exciting news. As elated as we were, seeds of fear started to creep into my heart during those first 2 weeks of my pregnancy. I was holding on so tightly to this gift, that I began to fear God would take our baby away. My worst fear was confirmed on a ultrasound a couple weeks after our positive pregnancy test. That was the absolute hardest day of my l...